Meeting the 2019 Buffet Staff
I was invited to join the team briefing this morning and meet the new and returning people who will be serving our customers throughout the season.

Everyone introduced themselves and it was interesting to learn that we have a great mix of paid and volunteer staff and a variety of languages. Everyone listening to Karen, our Buffet Staff Manager, explain about the new menus – gluton free additions – stirring the drinks well before serving, how the stores operate, changing damaged menus, working the rotas and tips on selling the guide books! Carriage keys were issued as some of the tills require them however, strong emphasis was placed on not using them to open carriage doors unless authorised by the Guard.
Oliver was introduced as the go to person for the stores and buffet staff rotas. He is Karen’s second in command, having spent nearly 20 years on the railway, he is the voice of experience on all things related to buffet car services.
Emphasis was placed on being smart, clean and tidy and ironing shirts and cleaning shoes to maintain the high standards we are known for.
I think it came as a shock to find that you have to hand in your mobile phone at the start of the day and only be allowed to use it on official breaks and lunch times.
Geraint is the chef in charge of both sets on the Welsh Highland, and we have a new chef, Elizabeth along with Kieran and Sean as relief chefs. Another Elizabeth will be responsible for the Pullman teas on Wednesday and Saturdays from the Caernarfon station.
Everyone was given copies of menus and a guide book and asked to memorise facts and prices, and if asked a question, be honest if you don’t know the answer and find someone who does.
Guidance on cleaning the tables was interesting – Glenn will be pleased to hear that only hot soapy water to be used, not chemical spray cleaning products!
Everyone then went outside for the group photograph taken by Chris Parry and John wooden was busy videoing the event.