Boston Lodge – Carriage Works
Keeping away from the fumes from working with paint, I paid a sightseeing visit to Boston Lodge this morning on my way to Harbour Station.

Ratty 2 has reached the final stages of painting and it won’t be long before it is wending its way to Ravenglass

Lots of hands on deck to prepare carriage 15 for the paint shop. Harvey was trying to get Bonnie in shot – hence the crouching…

More used to seeing David with planers, sanders and screwdrivers than with a varnish brush…

No HLF Students working on the window frames today as they have a meeting at Minffordd to prepare for their presentation to be held at Plas Tan y Bwlch on the 23rd. Hard to believe their year with us is coming to an end.

Nice to see another lady volunteer in the Carriage Works. This is Eileen. Eileen is a fireman (is that correct) with the Welshpool Railway and is down here on holiday

Adam’s hot working area is nearing completion. Glenn is very happy as it means he doesn’t have to sign any more hot working permits.

The time has come to say farewell to this well decorated sink. There will be a new unit in place and thanks to Tim Maynard, we have the new sinks to put in the unit!

Oh, and Glenn pointed out the newly painted glass display unit. Apparently, all the old doors are going to get a makeover in the same colour as there is a surplus of this colour in stock and needs to be used up. A bit of joinery in putting in glass panels for safety will be carried out first – watch this space.

A lovely donation of lettering – slightly bigger than the one’s Glenn has used in the past but will fit beautifully, Many thanks to our doner!

Rob has been very busy sorting out the electrics for us and here he is sticking a detailed list of what each numbered section covers. He even moved the lights that were suspended, onto the walls which will give a lot better light when working in that section. The finished floors and lighting has given a boost to the work area.

And finally. There is one thing you can be sure of, when it rains here at Boston Lodge we have roofs that spring leaks. Needing £70,000 for the carriage works alone, never mind the erecting shop that suffers the same problems – sometimes you have to have a handy Andy moment… We know the point of leak is difficult to access safely but the water runs along the joist and drips on anyone unfortunate to be working in the area. In the past we had buckets placed strategically but here is the latest solution.

So, the problem of dripping and buckets has been solved with an old length of gutteringbut needs “Andy” to come back and put a return on so that the water goes into the sink and not on anyone washing their hands…