Looking forward to 2020
For those of you who help us out at events, I know it is sometimes difficult to get accommodation and time off work so early information is helpful.
Commercially we are now working on the 2020 timetable and events. It is looking like a big year for the FR as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the famous Double Fairlie trials. It is hoped that a major event will be held in late June as part of this celebration. A list of significant events is below:
April 18 The Snowdonian
May 02 FRS AGM and associated extras
May 09 Caernarfon Food festival
June 5-7 WHR Beer festival
June 19-21 FR Fairlie Event (TBC)
Sep 12 The Snowdonian Limited
Sep 11-13 Small WHR Event
Oct 9-11 Victorian Weekend
Winter 19/20 will see little traffic on the FR as work continues on the track renewal programme but hopefully we will make up for it once the season gets underway.
Thank you in advance for your help.