Covid-19 – Emergency Appeal – We NEED your Help
The present situation will have significant impacts for the Railways…
The Railway has many volunteers however is also a significant employer in North Wales with many hard working and highly skilled members of staff and although we will not be burning any coal over the next few weeks there are many other expenses that do not drop away.
In light of the recent government advice the Railway has taken the difficult decision to suspend train services. The latest information can be found here.
Joint Letter from Trust and Society Chairmen
The virus has hit at a particularly difficult time. Please see This joint letter from the Chairmen of the Trust and both supporting Societies that outlines how they and the company are looking to pull together.
Please help us
All of your generous donations will be used to substitute for lost revenue during the period of closure. This will ensure that work on locomotives, carriages, track and all other areas of the railway can continue as far as possible and that the skilled staff are retained at this difficult time. The strategy is to keep the railways in as near as operable position as possible so a swift return to running services is possible at the appropriate time.
Three charities, one railway, one appeal
All donations will be increased by 5% by a generous sponsor!
(Note: This applies to donation, not gift aid element, to a maximum increase of £100,000)
There are three charities that support the Railway, the Festiniog and Welsh Highland Railways Trust, The Ffestiniog Railway Society and the Welsh Highland Railway Society. We are all accepting donations towards the EMERGENCY APPEAL and suggest ways to donate are as follows:
You may donate to the Trust in the following ways.
By Cheque:
FWHR Treasurer
Flat 1, 17 Chandos Road
M21 0SS
If you have not filled out a gift aid form before and are able and willing to do so please download and fill out from here and send with your cheque.
By Bank Transfer
Payee / Account Name: The Ffestiniog
Account Number: 87330040
Sort Code: 60-05-11
Again, if you have not filled out a gift aid form before and are able and willing to do so please download here and either post to the address above or email a scan to
Online Payment
The Ffestiniog Railway Society is accepting online donations through their Virgin Giving site:

The Welsh Highland Railway Society Website is accepting online donations through PayPal (No PayPal account required):
Thank you. Your support is highly valued by the whole Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways family.