Heritage Skills Training Programme
Back in 2018 the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways launched a project to train people in the heritage skills needed for the continuation of these and other heritage railways. We are now coming to the end of the programme and are pleased to say that 17 trainees have completed their training with us. 4 of the trainees are now working for the Company.
One of the aims of this programme, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund programme which provided the grant to us, was to look at diversity and inclusion within the heritage sector, with a view to increasing diversity and making the sector more inclusive.
You may remember that we therefore undertook a baseline survey to build up a picture of where we were as an organisation at that time with regards to diversity and to assess attitudes towards diversity and inclusion. Thank you to all those who completed the survey back then.
We now are asking all current volunteers and paid staff to complete the survey again so we are able to assess what the impact of the programme has been on the diversity of the Company and the attitudes of our staff and volunteers now towards diversity and inclusion. You do not need to have completed the survey before to complete it this time. All answers will be anonymous. The answers you provide will be stored securely and only shared for the purpose of building up a picture of the organisation’s diversity and attitudes relating to diversity and inclusion.
The diversity picture we collect through this survey will also be used to assist us with our current NLHF bid for the BL Development Project.
The survey should only take 5 – 10 minutes to complete. All directors, senior managers, paid staff and volunteers are welcome to complete the survey. Paid staff includes employees, workers and contractors. We appreciate that many of our directors, senior managers and paid staff are also volunteers but for the purposes of this survey we would ask that you only complete it once and select the director, senior manager or paid staff option as applicable.
To complete the survey online please go to https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HFWVSYV.
Please complete the survey by Thursday 20th May 2021.
Please only complete the survey once.
Thank you