Culture Amidst Industry 14th – 21st July – Blaenau Ffestiniog

Beginning with a Procession and Launch of ‘Wales Slate Fanfare’ 13:00 to 14:00 on Saturday, 14th July 2018

into a week following the quarrymen’s historical journey from their place of work to the centre of town, starting with an opportunity to hear the ‘fanfare’ to celebrate Llechi Cymru’s / Wales Slate nomination to World Heritage Status.

This will be followed by a Gig Car Gwyllt – A welsh Musical Mix through until 00:00 hours at the Rugby Club.  This is one of many ticketed events and non-ticketed events happening in and around Blaenau.
  For those, not in the know, the Ffestiniog Railway Act of 1832 saw the start of track laying from Blaenau to Porthmadog and by 1836 slate was coming down the track in waggons operated by brakemen and empty waggons returned by horses up the 700ft above sea level route to Blaenau. As trade around the world increased, it soon became obvious that this was inefficient and the first Steam Engine, Princess, was delivered.  Re-enactment in 2013 showed the arrival of Princess to the Ffestiniog Railway in 1863. This was followed by Prince, Welsh Pony and Palmerston and by 1867, saw the start of the first passenger service.

Llechwydd Quarry Waggons

There will be many activities with Guided Walks to Cwmorthin for Welsh Learners; Historical tours of Blaenau; activities at Cell B, Welsh language films at our Cell B Cinema; Antur Stiniog Shop and the Library have displays and talks happening with many more throughout the week. It is a bit confusing as tickets are required for various events, limited in numbers from various sources.  I’ve also visited numerous websites relating to Blaenau but none of them mention this momentous event.  Here is a Poster scanned – this is all the full details I could manage to find…

There is still a lot of evidence of how and where the work was carried out to “Roof the World” around Blaenau – here is my favourite view from my regular walks with my dog, Bonnie.
