Waggon Tracks – Progress Report
A small group attended but we got plenty of work finished, Photographs from Paul Woods
We cut the sleepers to size and placed them in position for the center barrow crossing and created a sleeper wall at either end of the shed (this will hold the fill back to make the two end barrow crossings once the concret threshold has been cast)

Many thanks to Dave Thurlow for coming along and cutting and notching all the sleepers.

* We began the fabrication of the removable buffer stops for 1, 3 and 5 Roads, with 4 of the 6 fabrications completed.

* We progressed the stone sleeper section by handpicking the correct spikes for the T rail chairs and then cropping them to the correct length to allow them to fit in the stone sleepers. Many spikes needed adjustmints in girth to allow them to fit through the holes in the chairs. We now have all the spikes we require.

*Clearing around the tank on 1009 of slate ready to lift it out for the creation of a new sand waggon.
* Completing the square washers for strengthening the Rhosydd waggon floor around the axlebox bolts.

The next working party is scheduled for 9-10th March where hopefully we can be completing the stone sleepers, screwing down our crossing timberwork and possibly filling the end barrow crossings if the concrete thresholds are cast. Please come along and help if you can. The end is very definitely close now. Please contact me on waggontracks@ffwhr.com for further details on how you can help