What are you doing?
I’m crossing the yard on my way home on Monday and spotted Mr Whalley with a strange instrument in his hand that he was pointing at Lilla’s boiler!

The boiler inspector looked at the boiler last Tuesday and wants some thickness testing done – as in the photograph!
The tubes are on order and should come this week. Early next week latest.
Next plan required – further cleaning of tube plates holes, annealing and cleaning tubes and getting everything lined up for a re-tube session.
Grateful thanks to Peter Jarvis who has kindly funded the cost of the tubes. Much appreciated.
Paul Lewin is looking for someone to do an application for a HRA award for small groups in respect of Lilla. She has been in the groups care for over twenty years now and in that time we have worked really well together to have the new boiler and major overhauls etc as well as all the running stuff we do.
Any offers?
If anyone can help with this, please contact Paul Lewin at plewin@ffwhr.com