Welsh Pony Project is Moving Forward!
With the support of a team of volunteers and the engineers at Boston Lodge things are moving along. Even I have got involved! Many thanks to all those who donated towards the future return of Welsh Pony into service.
The volunteers are from the same team that got Taliesin and Palmerston in service again and with their support and hard work, will help the engineers to continue to make good progress. I see the mug on my shelf and now understand why the question mark is there but – hopefully, some time in the not too distant future it will be out on track!
These items arrived in the Carriage Works on Sunday

They were given a coat of grey metal primer on Monday,
I came in on Tuesday and painted the undercoat.

I then went into the works with Norman Bond and found the following:

I am advised that a lot of these parts are from Welsh Pony and can be restored and used so watch this space. Hopefully, as part of the team, I can give updates on a regular basis in future.