Ferrets Down the Drains @ Boston Lodge
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who attended on Sunday.
The weather, after a slight tricky start, turned out to be remarkably pleasant and the rain vanished.
For those not present, the gang of 7 (which seems quite apt as of yesterday) began with a small brickwork repair near Rhiw Plas and then clearance of the open drain to Bron Madoc.
The cross drain at Boston Lodge halt subsequently consumed a considerable amount of time (including a vital tea break) as only one pipe flowed and the chamber of the Glaslyn side had collected a considerable quantum of soil , yet again. The drain above the line was also cleared and all is now working as it should be. This drain /chamber was only cleared 5 months ago but is now on the regular work list as it clearly needs very regular attention.
A “special” cover was made/installed at Cemetery so that completes the lid renewals from Boston Lodge to Weigh House.

After lunch we drove up to TyB and again undertook brickwork repairs to the large chamber between the station house and the “signal box” We installed a brand new timber lid, delivered by Ron’s son on Friday, to replace a very ill-fitting pressed steel version.

We then rodded from mileage 6.34 down to Plas Halt where, like Boston Lodge, the gully constantly blocks. In the process we failed to recover the rod end we lost in January at 6.34 but to add to the joy, lost another rod end at 6.27. Not the best result, it has to be said, but all the drains are at least flowing. (I will, before the March session, turn down yet more new ends so they better fit then drains and hopefully both lost ends can then be retrieved.)

All in all another very useful day’s work.
I will confirm the plan of works for the 24th March shortly once I’ve consulted my list but, rest assured, there is no shortage of tasks!