Sign Writers Report
Sign-writing at Megabash – 23/24th March 2019 by Andrew Wilkinson
As part of the recent Megabash Working Party, eight of the railway’s FR Sign-writing Team had a most productive weekend.
Our work usually concerns replicating existing signs so that new replacements are readily available to swop over when our line-side signs deteriorate usually due to the weather. We always try to maintain a high standard of our sign-work on the railway to contribute to the smart appearance of our infrastructure and its Victorian ambience. On this occasion several signs started last autumn were completed whilst several other new signs including a new Campbell’s Platform and shaded Tanybwlch station sign were completed. Some signs although successfully sign-written still await finishing off – painting their borders and backs – before they can be put into stock ready to use. These will be dealt with shortly.

Just occasionally we are asked to produce something outside our normal remit. Recently we were commissioned to produce three new ‘Last Vehicle’ signs for use on our Gravity trains so it was a refreshing change to produce these at Megabash – something different!

Time and effort will continue across the next few months to keep the sign-work juggernaut rolling along before our next major work session at the October Gigabash.

Andy Wilkinson (F&WHR Sign-writing Team Leader)