Visitors to Minffordd Yard.
Whilst not wanting to deny individuals the opportunity to visit Minffordd yard and have a look around, we (the company) has a duty of care towards visitors.
It is of particular importance that we know who is in the yard, therefore, in future visitors will require a permit. This demonstrates that we are exercising our duty of care and have made visitors aware of the potential hazards that exist in an operational railway yard. It is also important that visitors are aware of the action to take in the event of an accident.
In general, the yard is open 08.00 – 17.00 Monday to Friday and if you wish to visit please call into the office and a visitors permit will be issued. If you wish to visit Saturday or Sunday please e mail with sufficient time to allow a permit to be issued via email.
As minimum requirement, we must insist on visitors wearing sturdy footwear. No trainers or open toed shoes. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters.