Saving the Environment and Saving our Money too!

May I please remind everyone of the importance of placing the appropriate rubbish into the appropriate refuse bins at our various sites. 

The bins are labelled:

·         General Rubbish – Anything not recyclable in a black bin bag.  Examples; the contents of the platform litter bins and general waste from the trains etc.

·         Paper& Cardboard – Just as it says.  Absolutely no black bin bags

·         Glass – Mainly bottles form the bar.  Absolutely nothing else

·         Food Waste – Food waste from catering outlets including biodegradable bin bags.  Absolutely nothing else

·         Mixed Recycling – Paper, Cardboard, Plastic Bottles, Glass, Paper Cups & Associated Lids and Metal eg Cans. Absolutely no black bin bags and Absolutely nothing else.  This is the one we constantly get wrong!!

The reason for using the bins correctly is very important:

·         Recycling is important for environmental reasons

·         Rubbish disposal is expensive.  In December 2019 (a quiet month) the Porthmadog bill was nearly £1,500!

How much does each bin cost to empty?

·         General Rubbish £21.00 each

·         Paper & Cardboard £12.85 each

·         Glass £4.90 each

·         Food Waste £7.30 each

·         Mixed Recycling £12.85

One wrong item in each Mixed Recycling or Paper & Cardboard bin renders it General Rubbish costing us an extra £8.15 per bin – So please, please think before you bin J

On behalf of the company and the environment, thank you for taking time to read this email and thank you for your cooperation.

Regards, Martin.

Martin Batcock
Rheolwr Arlwyo • Catering Manager