Rest of the World Gang
Some time ago I asked about Gangs on the Railway and here is something sent to me by Bob Zeepvat – Many thanks Bob!

The Rest of the World Gang, or ‘ROWG’ came into being on Phase 4 of the Welsh Highland Railway, as one of the main track-laying gangs on the Rhyd Ddu – Porthmadog section, when gang membership was at its highest. Since then, as well as doing improvement and maintenance work on the WHR and FR, ROWG has participated in the remodelling of Harbour Station, relaying on the FR at Penrhyn, Tan y Bwlch and Moelwyn Tunnel, as well as tracklaying for the improvements being made at Boston Lodge.
As the name suggests, ROWG members come from all over the UK and also further afield, notably from Germany and the USA. Because of this we normally run working weeks, eight during the year, mostly in the winter months, because that’s when our services are most needed for the railway’s Winter Works programme.

As well as being widely located, ROWG members are a mixed bunch. Some first came to the FR to build the Deviation or work on the line: some first took part in earlier phases of rebuilding the WHR, while others are more recent arrivals. All are welcome.
So, if you fancy spending some time out in the fresh air of North Wales, working with a great bunch of people, why not come on a ROWG week, perhaps just for part of one to start with? Our working party dates are published in the WHRS magazine, The Snowdon Ranger: soon they should be in the FR Magazine as well. If you want to join us, contact:
Paul Bradshaw, tel. 01766 770034. Email: