Friday Evening – Behind the scenes at Boston Lodge
After the afternoons excitement, it was time to get to work, showing all our Snowdonian Passengers, the progress that has been made and give them an insight to our future plans.

Phil started off with the safety talk as we didn’t want to lose anyone down the inspection pits, tripping over rails or getting themselves into trouble on the wrong side of fences!

A history lesson from Tony Williams inside the oldest narrow guage engine shed in the world!

The bogies are in the workshops ready to install under
Carriage 21 built by Team X

Castel Caernarfon is being rebuilt ready to go into the bodywork painted by the Carriage Works

Half of James Spooners boiler, the other half is due any day!

Lyn and Lyd being prepared ready for Saturday.

Inside the Blacksmiths shop.