NG15 class locomotive No.134 progressing at Dinas and Boston Lodge
The main frames for NG15 No.134 have been moved back into the locomotive shed at Dinas and work is progressing on these and on other components.
The two pony trucks are at Boston Lodge where they are having their wheels fitted after being re-gauged there. This involved using and awful lot of heat to move the wheels in slightly on their axle so as to get the correct back to back measurement for the FR/WHR of 21” as compared to that for the South African 2 foot gauge of 21¼”.
Other components such as new wheel thrust plates as seen below are also being made to facilitate the fitting of the wheels:

At Dinas, the main driving wheels have been removed and the wheelsets are due to be sent away for re-gauging by outside contractors. This will also involve the thinning of the flanges on the third axle. This is being done as a result of the experience gained from the NGG16s where thinning the flange on the centre axle. This has led to much freer running and less noise on the tighter curves on the railway.
Whilst the NG15 is an eight coupled loco the leading axle already has some sideways movement due to the Krauss Helmholtz pony truck arrangement therefore it’s only the rear three driving axles that are ridged.
On top of all this work the Volunteer team are continuing with many of the smaller jobs, completing the lubrication pipework, replacing the various chequer plates etc
For anyone wishing to join us at Dinas, the next working party is the same weekend as Rail Ale (17th-19th May and the June date are 21st -23rd, the same weekend as the Past, Present & Future event.