The French Students came to Boston Lodge to build a Waggon
Now, I was wondering why there are two spellings of the word wagon/waggon, so I asked the question on Google.
Seems waggon is an old English word to describe a sturdy vehicle with 4 wheels but started change to “wagon” in the last century – Therefore it is logical why “Waggon Tracks” use this – they deal with Victorian vehicles!
I digress, we have three French Students who are spending 10 days using an old frame with rotted wood to restore as their project.
The waggon belongs to Llechwydd. It is a particular waggon that was used for moving people up and down the inclines with angled seats.

Having fun, dismantling the old frame

The new frame and panels all ready to be assembled

All the parts, cleaned of rust and almost finished being painted and – amazingly, this is only by day 4! I think what impressed everyone is their skills at working as a team, sharing all the work amongst themselves, rotating when completing a difficult task and how they quietly got on with the work. I think Glenn would be happy to employ them all!