Another Set of Doors made by our HLF Students
The new doors to the second paint workshop proved to be a really good idea.

You can see what is going on without risk of getting painted, they keep out the dust from any sanding taking place and are easy to open when we need to move carriages in and out of the main workshop. Such a good idea that the decision was made to replace the big metal shutter with similar doors.

Ewan and Bradley, our HLF students who made the first set, have completed three of the doors ready to be hung and Bradley was doing a final check on door number four. Much quicker this time as they know what they are doing.
Repalcing the shutter door is not such an easy task as the doorway will need widening to take the super barns. Electrics have to be moved and protection arranged for some final painting work, currently taking place, that I am not allowed to reveal just yet…