More Photos of Boston Lodge Redevelopment
Thanks to Brell Ewart and Ian Hartill, I am getting regular updates of all the work that is going on for the new shed.

The above photographs show the the heavy rails going onto the extended maintenance pit and the new roof sheets going on. Both jobs are work in progress.
The photograph below shows the new turnouts, funded by FR Society, and installed by Rest of World Gang, helped by Whitehouse.
In the photograph below, in the back ground, can be seen the new Pen Cob fence, again paid for by FR Soc. The white post is part of the new signalling arrangements for the new Pen Cob junction.

The policy of the FfWHR is now to build all new works to the WHR loading gauge. So the initial plan at Boston Lodge was to demolish the current carriage shed and rebuilt to the new gauge. However the galvanised steel frame of the old shed was in reasonably good condition so the construction team asked the question why can’t we add a bit onto each columns and raise the roof? Easy to say, a little more challenging to do. This proved to be excellent thinking and saving a considerable amount of cash, time, and most of all disruption.

It has also enabled the Construction Team to have possession of the shed this winter and to deliver if back to the operators by the start of the new season when it will be fully sheeted on the roof all at the new height, with an extended inspection pit and shed extensions at either end in order to get the longer train sets under cover.
Also this winter has seen laying of the new turnouts to feed roads 13 and 14 as well as the new shed itself in due course and the replacement of 5 old turnouts in BL yard, the latter being funded by the FR Society. Lifting these with a large excavator before other constructions works went ahead enabled them to be got into position very quickly and and enabled the works to shunt stock round the Middle yard at Boston Lodge

In due course the electrical team will be fitting new lights, and carriage battery chargers into the rebuilt shed.
Thanks to Brell Ewart, Chairman and Chief Executive of Whitehouse Construction for this article and up to date photographs.